
En savoir plus

In Disney and Pixar's Onward, teenage elf brothers Ian and Barley Lightfoor (voices of Tom Holland and Chris Pratt) get an unexpected opportunity to spend one more day with their late dad, so they embark on an extraordinary quest aboard Barley's epic van Guinevere. Like any good quest, their journey is filled with magic spells, cryptic maps, impossible obstacles and unimaginable discoveries. But when the boys' fearless mum Laurel (voice of Julia Louis-Dreyfus) realises their sons are missing, she teams up with a part-lion, part-bat, part-scorpion, former warrior - aka The Manticore (voice of Octavia Spencer) - and heads off to find them. Perilous curses aside, this one magical day could mean more than any of them ever dreamed.

Détails du produit

Réalisateur Dan Scanlon
Label Walt Disney
Genre Aventure
Contenu 1 Blu-ray 3D + 2 Blu-ray
Âge recommandé à partir de 0 ans
Date de parution 01.06.2020
Audio Anglais (Dolby Digital)
Format écran 16/9
Année de production 2020
Titre original Onward
Version UK Version
Code régional B

Acteurs & équipe tournage

Commentaires des clients

  • Toller Animations Film

    Écrit le 14. mars 2021 par Erowin.
    Ce commentaire concerne une autre version.

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